All dietary supplements are made equal. All supplement-producing companies are trustworthy. Your daily diet is so healthful that you don’t need supplements to support it..
I wish that these statements were true. The truth is, like all manufactured commodities, the quality of products varies by the company that produces them . The truth is that some companies are more interested in turning a profit than providing a good product. And the sad truth is that our lands are being made toxic in the name of modern farming, and the average, American diet consists of artificial, nutrient-deficient “food”.
Unless you are one of the select few who choose to and are able to eat 100% healthy foods, then augmenting your diet with organic, whole-food supplements is vital. Choosing the right supplement is equally as important. For example, did you know that the long-time endearing supplement for children called “Flintstones” contains artificial dyes, genetically modified sugar and corn, and chemical aspartame, which has been proven to cause cancer? Or did you know that “One-A-Day” Multivitamins are made of synthetic vitamins, which can actually cause nutritional deficiencies? This is because the supplement is manufactured without the entire vitamin complex, which is only found in naturally occurring whole-food vitamins.
When you hear the word ‘malnourished’ you may think of a starving third-world country. While third-world countries don’t have ENOUGH food, first-world countries don’t have REAL food. We have processed food. Processed food means something has been put into the land, or taken out of the yield, to alter the final product in someway. Because of this, essential vitamins and minerals are missing from our diets, and we are slowly becoming more malnourished with each generation.
The truth is that in today’s world, no-one can live a life free from food stress, and therefore supplementing the diet is crucial for us and for our children. Ask Dr. Pennella about using organic, whole-food supplements to keep your body healthy and strong, and consider avoiding buying whatever is cheapest or most convenient at the local supermarket. Instead, choose to supplement from authentic, real-food sources, and you will experience the difference first hand.
“The doctor of the future will give not medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” – Thomas Edison
Yours in Health,
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