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New Year, New You

by Sarah Bricker

Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Happy New Year! Every January 1st, we participate in an annual celebration involving confetti, champagne, kisses, and resolutions. Unfortunately, the resolutions tend to last as long as the champagne in your glass. If you are someone who sets resolutions, I commend you – being open to change within yourself is noble and brave.

But why is it so hard to keep a resolution? According to Business Insider, 80% of resolutions fail by February. Not very encouraging, is it? There are multiple factors involved with why resolutions fail, some of which include setting unrealistic expectations for yourself, little-to-no support group, the tendency to choose a conventional resolution, and a perfectionist mentality.

At Stillpoint Family Chiropractic, we have redefined out expectations for New Year traditions, and choose to focus on renewals rather than resolutions. Why?

  • Renewals recognize that self-change is a marathon, not a sprint. Change takes time as well as effort.
  • Renewals allow room for failure, they are not defeated by “slip-ups”. Simply start again and continue on your path.
  • Renewal goals are shared with others in your community – whether it’s a parent, a best friend, or a doctor, ask someone who loves you to share in this journey with you, and hold you accountable!
  • Renewals are not bound by convention. For example, instead of making a resolution to go on a sugar-free diet, consider dieting from Netflix, Facebook, or News Broadcasts, and recognize that these things effect the way you think, and therefore effect the way you act. Entrepreneur Marianne Williamson once said, “You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.”

In 2019 (and for years to come) discover your true self, and renew your body, mind, and spirit. Happy New Year, and Happy New You!

Yours in Health,





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